by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Oct 25, 2017 | beyond idealism, beyond liberalism, Climate Change, Discursive Gap, Environmental Justice, Environmental Political Theory, exploitation, Industrial Epidemics, Oil Barons, parasitism, permaculture, pollution, Priorities, Systems thinking
One of the things that resonates the most about systems theory, is that it focuses on how different pieces of large puzzles interrelate and interlock. For, it is the inter aspect that gives phenomena movement, gusto, dynamism, spark. Speaking of things, essences,...
by Yogi Hale Hendlin | Aug 28, 2017 | Bureaucratic quixotic, exploitation, parasitism, Wolves in sheep's clothing
Although many young academics rightfully complain of being used for their expertise while failing to receive either the remuneration or job security fitting to their contribution, it is always humorous to hear statements that openly admit this unspoken condition. Upon...